Silver Lake Garden Apartments
In June 2007, Eric Garcetti, as the councilmember representing the 13th District, presented a motion stating, ". . . several parcels on North Silver Lake Boulevard are zoned for R3 density, which does not seem consistent with the balance of the community. In fact, it could be utilized to create a development that is out of scale and out of character with the neighborhood." The motion instructed "that the Planning Deportment analyze the 2400 block of North Silver Lake Boulevard and report back to City Council in 90 days with recommendations for zoning or building envelope restrictions that would ensure that potential future development is calibrated to complement the surrounding residential neighborhood." The Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee adopted the motion on November 27, 2007. The Department of Planning's resulting report, dated February 22, 2008, essentially recommended design guidelines that "will respond to the need for development t...